Friday, August 9, 2013

The ideal life

If you've followed my blog for any length of time (or if you know me personally, for that matter) you know that I have a real struggle with perfection. I love to read books and blogs committed to ideals: i.e. a year without buying, a plastic free house, or a completely organic diet. When I read these types of things, though, it's hard for me to go back to my real life. I feel overwhelmed, like I have to incorporate all of these lofty aspirations into my daily life.

Ideally I would make all my own clothes, run a marathon, homeschool all 13 years (per kid), serve only homegrown foods (and of course no junk food!), and never use a disposable product. There may be someone out there that can do this, but I've accepted that it's not me.

I have a lot of fruit in my life...

...but there's still room for the mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.

I have a real passion for cloth diapers. Likewise, for homeschooling during the preschool years. Gardening, not so much. And while I would like to buy only hormone free, ethically raised meat and dairy products, I'm just now starting to get a handle on the gluten-free thing. 

I've heard Dr. Spock quoted many times as saying something like "Trust yourself. You know more than you think." So my twist on this and my new motto is:

"Trust yourself. You are more perfect than you think."

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