Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day of rest

Last night at 11 p.m. Little Girl woke up with a fever and was up approximately 5 times afterward. She, and subsequently I, finally fell asleep for real around 4 a.m.

Today was definitely a day of rest in many ways. I have such a hard time letting go of my need for perfection even when everything is obviously pointing me in a direction of slowing down. Case in point: at 5 1/2 months pregnant I came down with a stomach virus and called my always helpful in a pinch (and any other time you need it) sister in law to ask if she could possibly watch Big Girl for awhile since I could barely move without feeling like I was falling into a black hole.

Two and a half hours and half a box of rice crackers later I started to feel guilty: "Oh, I'm just taking advantage. I feel SO much better now it's cheating to leave her with a babysitter when I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself." I don't think my sister in law was convinced by my miraculous recovery.

So I'm trying to learn that it's okay to give myself a chance to rest and not beat myself up over it. On today's calendar: reading, card games, rest, reheated leftovers for lunch, pancakes for dinner, and lots and lots of Dinosaur Train. You know what, it was a great day!

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