Thursday, March 21, 2013

The color yellow and some project updates

"I've been thinking about it for a long time and I've decided to start liking the color yellow"--the Big Girl

I love my first child's optimistic attitude. On the contrary, I tend toward worst case scenario thinking. For a few months after my (self) diagnosis, I tended to wallow and complain. Then I realized this was my life and I could embrace it with all the optimism I could or I could be pessimistic and make it that much harder on myself. I want to look at my gluten-free loaf as half-baked instead of half-raw. Or to mix metaphors, I want to just make up my mind to like the color yellow.

In other news, it's time to choose my projects. Apparently spring began yesterday (since when do the seasons not change on the 21st???) so I'm a day behind.

The reading and renovation projects have begun (I'll update next month) and in addition, I want to make this month's focus the meal planning and budgeting.

Off to squeeze as much as I can out of the remaining 20 minutes of quiet time (Big Girl) and naptime (Little Girl)!

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