Friday, August 30, 2013

In sickness and in health, and...

Last night I was in a weird mood and vented on Facebook about how much I hated gluten at the moment, hated feeling like a weirdo every time I leave the security of my own kitchen. I want to be able to eat what's put in front of me without quizzing the chef.

I'm so thankful for my friends for their empathy and understanding. Any feelings of being a pain are entirely in my own head and not something that my friends have made me feel. Regardless, I was feeling down and I wanted to make some pancakes to cheer myself up, remind myself that it's not the end of the world.

I found this recipe on Pinterest and was lured in by the promise of simplicity. One flour?? One? Really???

In this blogger's defense, the pancakes were delicious as promised. It was only my casual interpretation of the words "cup" and "teaspoon" that threw off the consistency. (I can't get used to the fact that "a pinch of this" and "a smidge of that" doesn't really work with gluten-free flours, most of which billow like baby powder in your face and all over your counter and are therefore, really hard to measure.)

As I was whipping up dinner and practicing my geography (pretty sure I saw Idaho and Florida, as well as something that closely resembled a petunia) I was thinking about my poor husband and the random gluten-free dinner options I've subjected him to over the past couple of years. Aside from an occasional "you probably shouldn't make this again" (I usually concur) he has sampled my mishaps and my successes alike without complaint.

Significant because, unlike me, he has a choice. Oh, sure, technically I do have a choice, but I'm going with the decision that doesn't involve me feeling like my appendix is being removed sans anesthesia thank you very much.

We just celebrated our eighth anniversary and I was thinking the other day about romance. We have never been much for flowers and all that but to me, no fancy chocolates or jewelry would mean as much to me as quietly eating soggy corn pasta, crumbling cookies, and biscuits with the texture of marshmallows.

Thank you for being with me through sickness, health, and gluten-free.

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