Monday, March 24, 2014

Days 76-80: Run down

I've been feeling extremely run down lately and trying to find out the cause.

I researched vitamin supplements, only to feel the load of guilt when one individual posted that "vitamins are not natural and instead, a person should try to eat right."

Hmm. With a toddler who eats her own food in 18.3 seconds and then leaps up from her booster shouting "all done!" I have been known to eat my food in a method certain former presidents would not admit to.

That's right: I inhale. This would not be classified as "eating right."

I thought maybe it was my sleep. I counted last night that I woke up at least four times. Might have been five. This is not an abnormal night for me.

Perhaps this has something to do with my energy level during the day. Living in newborn mode was tolerable when I had--you know--a newborn. When that baby has been herself sleeping through the night since 18 months old, it's time for mom to follow along.

I tend to blame everything on gluten since it explained my 17 seemingly unrelated symptoms years ago. I had a friend call me the other day to ask details about going gluten free herself. She asked if "xyz" would get better and I told her I honestly didn't know.

"It's one of those things where you might have 100 symptoms or you might have none. Sometimes people wonder 'will going gluten free help my right big toenail feel better?' Simple answer: it might. Or it might not."

She laughed and said she'd try it anyway but that made me stop and think: is gluten becoming a catch all answer for me? Not that I want to become a hypochondriac by any means, but rather than blaming gluten as an all-purpose excuse, I might consider other avenues for feeling better when I'm not quite in shape.

Starting with some vitamins (even if they are lazy, etc.) and getting some sleep. Good night.

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