Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 4: I own four pairs of pants

Yesterday was super productive for me: my kitchen got cleaned like never before and my kids were awesome together! They played together with no fighting and no tears for half an hour while I scrubbed the stove.

I also managed to find the bottoms of all our laundry baskets. As much as I love my clothesline, there are certain days when I'm extremely grateful for my dryer. Yesterday was one of them.

Upon organizing my closet, I came to the realization that I own only four pairs of pants (five if you count the pair that I keep meaning to take in to fit) and this is delightful to me. For years I have dreamed of a streamlined closet where I wear everything I own and it's all able to mix and match. I still have a way to go to have a truly minimalist closet but I can dream.

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