Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 6: Potato starch and the run on groceries

I'm down to my last half bag of potato starch. Usually I buy it online but noticed Amazon has doubled the price. Ninety-six ounces is almost $27. I happened to have a coupon from our local health food store for $7 off a purchase of $30. For $28 (after tax) I got this:

I got 120 oz. of potato starch and 32 oz. of tapioca flour. (I have plenty on order from Amazon but I bought all the potato starch they had and my total was short.) I also bought a box of Annie's GF bunny cookies which my daughter **needed** for her school lunch.

I also attempted to buy milk and discovered that there is no milk to be had in this town unless you want Lactaid, soy, or organic. I ended up buying a $3 half gallon of organic milk because the lady at Kroger said they "might" get a shipment in "late tonight." She then qualified: "very late tonight."

That hurt a little bit but I weighed my options and figured it was better to have milk at all than to risk them being completely sold out at a later date.

When I was at the grocery store Saturday (just to pick up cornmeal and one other thing I can't get at Aldi) I noticed that the shelves were bare of flour and someone told me the bread shelf was cleaned out as well. Sometimes it pays to be gluten free. At least there isn't a mad run on potato starch when bad weather is predicted.

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