Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 31-33: a little bit of everything

My entryway: before. Complete with classy "old towel rug" and boots scattered all over.

My homemade coat rack is doing a booming business these days.

Day 31: Sorting clothes for a charity giveaway makes me recommit myself to The Compact. All these clothes, many with tags still on or in excellent used condition. Who needs the mall?

While sorting, one of my friends discovers a birthday banner that got mixed in. Since it's not clothing, we aren't including it in the giveaway. She decides to keep it for an upcoming birthday party.

"Is so-and-so having a Spiderman themed party?" asks someone else.

"He is now!" declares my friend. Way to go, fellow make-do-er!

Day 32: Who needs expensive sports equipment? Bobsledding can, in fact, be performed on one's backside, as I learned en route to get the mail. The resulting stiff neck (and lawsuits?) might prevent this from becoming an Olympic event. Though if it ever catches on, this is my kind of sport. Nothing needed except a well padded coat and possibly a helmet.

I talk to my mom on the phone about possible spring break destinations. One of our locations is near an Ikea.

"I can only window shop," I remind my mom.

"That's okay," she says. "I might be flying, so I'll be window shopping too."

Day 33: Decide it's high time to paint my entry way. Unfortunately, the floors will be some of the last things to go, but maybe with a fresh paint job on the walls and a rug, it will be somewhat more welcoming.

Do a little shoveling of the sidewalks and am thankful for the good pair of boots my mom purchased when I was 15 years old. I didn't need them much in the south but they are getting a workout now. With shoes old enough to get a driver's license, for them to still be in excellent shape is a testament to good workmanship. I would rather have one pair of well made boots than 16 shoddily made pairs that end up in the landfill.

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