Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 42: Love

On this day of love, there wasn't much to go around.

In the morning, I got an angry message from a stranger who felt I was cheating on a transaction we were attempting to complete. (I wasn't). It was an apparent glitch in communication between our computers.

Side note: the internet is a strange place. The ironically named "Facebook" is filled not with faces but with random pictures of beaches and political views. Ever had a one inch square picture of someone's cat "yell" at you?

In the afternoon, I got a jury summons. This isn't actually a bad thing. All my life I have wanted to be on a jury. In fact, when I was working, I was disappointed when others got to go and I didn't. The getting paid double part might have been a factor in my jealousy, I'll admit. I'm glad to finally be called, though the timing is a little off at the moment.

What did we do for Valentine's Day? Had a nice conversation and watched a show on Netflix together. What did we get each other? Absolutely nothing. It was just a normal day (after smoothing feathers and figuring out my jury duty dilemma). I'm honestly glad, and this isn't passive aggressive wife-talk for "my husband didn't bother to get me anything so I'm just going to pretend like I don't care."

Our gift giving tends to be long term. Four years ago for Christmas I got a vacation to New York City, where I'd always dreamed of going. Instead of getting knick knacks for every occasion, I like to think we are accumulating "points" toward some sort of big adventure.

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